Unable to download/install Epic game launcher, Error: “Problem with the windows installer pack. A DLL required to complete the installation cannot be run”
Hi everyone, if have a problem with windows installer
you wanted to Install epic game launcher but when the Installation was about to start, it said "Problem with the windows installer pack. A DLL required to complete the installation cannot be run"
i found the solution of this problem so lets begin without wasting a second
1.if you have this error then
2.run epic games launcher installation and do not press anyting until it gets to windows package error at directx important or else it will delete everything
2.run epic games launcher installation and do not press anyting until it gets to windows package error at directx important or else it will delete everything
3.go to the folder where laucher was installing copy every file to whatever place you want now you can press "ok"
4.ofc this will delete original files but now you have backup files
5.now open backuped folder
and go to this file location
c:/(where you install epicinstaller)/Launcher/portal/binaries/win32
6.now scroll down and double click on the EpicGamesLauncher application
watch this video hope it helps
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